Monday, October 12, 2009

Action Is The Real Measure Of Wisdom

Action could mean different things in different context usage, but this article only deals with the meaning of action that has to do with the process of doing something. On the other hand, wisdom in this context is referred to as the act of having experience, adequate knowledge and good judgement. In life, people seem to know virtually everything, but the main problem lies with doing what they know. The actual reason for this attitude of speaking more and doing less is not certain, but the following reasons may be relevant.

The first reason to consider is complex. Some people tend to have repressed feelings about their thoughts and actions. As a result of this, they hold back some of the thoughts in their mind which they have prepared to act on . Those people in this category who act less and speak more especially when they are in the midst of few people. They also have less confidence in their actions. As a result of this, they try to do less of what they say so that their inferior nature will not be noticed in their actions.

Secondly, Some people do pretend a lot, and as a result of their pretences, they find it difficult to act on what they say in order not to reveal their true nature. People in this category also fail to act on what they say because they feel their actions will be measured with what they have already said.

Thirdly, Some people actually lack the knowledge of what to do at some point, and as a result, they refuse to do what they say. People in this category resort to makng wonderful speeches and acting little on what they advise other people to do. In a way, one may consider people that take this kind of decision as being wise because their self awareness is more important to them than any other thing. But people who do not really do what they say find it difficult to know what they are capable of doing.

Lastjy, lack of confidence could be another factor that prevents people from doing what they say. Most people find it easier to say hundred words than acting on one single idea. The reason for this attitude is obvious. It takes a lot of courage and willpower to implement most of the things people have in mind, and this is why people that lack self confidence find it difficult to act on what they know how to do. Lack of self confidence actually prevents some people from testing their wisdom, because when a man is not sure of himself, the chances of acting on what he knows is greatly reduced.

Action is the real measure of wisdom as it is only when a man acts on what he really thinks about or knows that his wisdom is being tested or measured.

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