Monday, September 28, 2009

Looks, Money, or Character: Choosing What's Important

Every individual that exist in our today’s world will love to possess these three things- looks, money and character, but which of these three things is more important than the others. As individuals who wish for good things of life, we will consider all these three things mentioned above as very important, but if you are asked to choose, which of them do you consider most important. You should desire to look good so that when others see you, they will appreciate the good works of God in you by mere looking at you. You also need money to take care of your basic needs in life, and above all you wish to be a person with distinctive qualities and have a good reputation.

From my own point of view, character is the most important, followed by money, and then looks should be the last in the list. Before going into the reasons for my choice, it will be pertinent to consider the three things mentioned above as it concerns human nature. Although some people may choose differently, the fact remains that every individual is absolutely entitled to his or her own opinion.

Looks is actually the last in the list as I have chosen. It is always good to look good, and people will continue to appreciate you if you are handsome or beautiful, but that does not help you to earn much respect from the society especially when you lack money and character. I have seen ugly people do great things, and as a result of their exploit, their ugly nature is no longer remembered. When a beautiful lady or handsome man has a questionable character, the society easily frowns at such persons. Beauty may be appreciated without money, but it is difficult to appreciate beauty without good reputation.

When it comes to money, it is important to have enough of it to be able to take care of personal needs, but you cannot trade money for character. You may have all the money in the world, but without good reputation, money looses its value. For instance, Iron Mike Tyson the boxer was once a very rich man, but at his peak as a heavy weight champion, people do not regard him as a responsible person, although he had enough money at that time. This kind of attitude that people had towards him was due to his questionable character.

Character is actually the most important of the three things mentioned in this article, because it is what tells who a person really is. Character gives a person real value. It is used to determine how people are going to regard you in the society. No matter the situation, people will always respect you if you have good reputation even without money and beauty.

I adore people not by their beauty or money they have, but by their good reputation which is their character. Your character interprets who you are.


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