Saturday, September 26, 2009

Are personal morals decaying?

The principles of right and wrong behavior or accepted standard of behavior could be understood by individuals from different perspectives according to individuals’ idiosyncrasies, but there are actions that some people might consider wrong but prefer carrying out those actions. It is against this background that this article will place its focus in highlighting the decadence in personal morals. It is quite difficult to conclude that personal morals are decaying in other parts of the world because I cannot be everywhere, but judging from the society where I belong, and with the way people behave these days, to say that personal morals are decaying is an understatement.

The rate of dishonesty and cheats among individuals keep increasing on a regular basis. Most people now see wrong doing as a way of life. Some people now treat other people’s lives without any regard, as they can easily sell fake drugs in the open market without considering its negative effects on the health of other people. People now have the guts to eulogize and clap for armed robbers and kidnappers as a result of their display of sophisticated weapons while carrying out their operations. In schools, more people are now involved in examination malpractices, even some parents go to the extent of giving all forms of support to their children to cheat in both internal and external exams. It is sad that things like this will be happening without serious criticisms from other members of the society. More politicians now resort to killing their fellow politicians in a bid to be at the corridors of power. Things are turning from bad to worse.

In business, more people now use deceptive ways and means to lure their customers into buying low quality products at high prices without having the interests of their customers at heart, and the time has gone when customers were kings in business transactions. Even in churches, some pastors’ love for money have made their sermons to be in line with what the rich men in their churches want to hear, and they refuse preaching what is supposed to be heard, which is truth and salvation. May God help us. All these things are happening because greater number of the population has less regard for moral values in my society, I do not know about yours.

Things need to improve, but my fellow citizens should go back to the time when the going was good, and pick back the moral values they dropped long time ago, for our society to be a better place to live in.

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