Friday, November 20, 2009

How Do You Feel When You Are Being Criticized?

It is quite natural for individuals to feel embarrassed, hurt or discouraged when their thoughts, opinions, suggestions, performances, etc are being criticized by other individuals in the society, community or public forum. Criticism can help people to improve on what they have already done, but it can also be a source of discouragement to other people who easily get discouraged at the slightest encounter with difficulties or challenges of life.

Some Individuals expect encouragements from others after a performance, delivering speeches, displaying their skills, publishing their works, etc, but when criticisms are received instead, the feeling that creeps in is usually a bad one. On the other hand, some people want their works, performances, skills, etc to be criticized so that they can easily locate the areas that need to be improved on in whatever they do. Those people who want to be criticized also expect their critics to be constructive, which means that the criticisms should be useful and helpful to improving on what they have already done.

But the question is: how do you feel when you or your works are being criticized? Do you feel bad, discouraged, embarrassed or hurt? If this is so, what you have to know is that in whatever you do, there is always somebody by the side who will tell you that you are wrong. This is a fact, but how you react or respond to this will go a long way in determining the kind of person you wish to become, and to a large extent, it determines the kind of height you are able to attain in life. People must talk, you cannot stop them from doing so, but you can stop them from influencing your positive judgments. You have to learn how to lay strong foundation with the stones that people throw at you in order to come out stronger and better. You have to conquer the bad feeling that criticisms bring by giving it positive interpretations.

Have you stopped doing what you are supposed to be doing because people have told you that you are wrong? All you need to do is try to make amendments where they will be needed, and continue to give your best and do your best to ensure that you are on the right part.

Whenever you desire to do something that is important to you in every aspects of life, expect to encounter oppositions and criticisms on your way because everybody cannot feel the same way you do, but the way you handle these oppositions and criticisms surely helps you to improve on the skills you already have. Whenever you feel that your critics are not trying to be constructive, ignore them, and keep searching for the tools that will help to put your works or skills in the right shape.

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